Monday, 28 June 2010

Less Sleep, Less Study, Less emotion

Aku tak rasa nak menulis benda bermanfaat.. mungkin esok.. just nak story benda...
Ok, the title is quite clear.. that is what i feel right now.. But I wonder why I didn't get pissed with this.. Actually, last week, on Friday, my English group called our respected lecturer, to discuss about our English presentation. He said that he wanted to do it on Tuesday (today) at 7 a.m.. We were somehow kind of disagreed with it because we will be sitting for our final exam on the day after. But, he claimed that he didn't have any other time to evaluate the presentations other than Tuesday. Therefore, by hook or by crook we have to do it on Tuesday...

Ok lah macam tu kan.. nak buat macam mana... kalau English x siap.. nanti kene extend satu semester.. hanya kerana xbuat English presentation kan! So, kami-kami yang penuh dedicated ni buat la preparation smalam.. Korbankan waktu study untuk final exam.. prepare semua untuk presentation.. Slide, report and etc.. bukan xprepare before this.. tp considering that, kene present sorang-sorang, so kene lah berlatih, sebab kitorang ni xlah fasih berbahasa omputih tu!

Aku? xdapat tido dari semalam sampai sekarang ni ha... tadi pergi kat faculty, jumpa dokter.. dia cakap........................ dia kene cek dulu dan kita kene book tempat dll!! hangin??!! mungkin sedikit hangin disitu... tapi aku dah expect dah.. dahla esok nak exam.. buku xbukak satu hape... less sleep lagi.. jadi.. emosi pon less jugak! kesimpulannya, miscommucation tu sangat tidak baik ye... esok nak exam.. tp memandangkan aku tak cukup tido.. aku kene tido dulu.. doakan la kejayaan aku ye.... sesiapa yang terbaca ni.. esok final HOM (hematology and oncology) aka kelainan darah dan barah??? macam tu lah kiranya,,
